Again, I am a little behind! I hope everyone had a good New Years and enjoyed what you did? I had a nice quiet night at a friend of B's and just about made it to midnight before driving home, having a glass of red wine and going to bed. It was a nice evening and the hostess had found a pizza without cheese on it which was great!!
So what's new around here? Some sad news first, Plum, my hamster died over the weekend. She was only 18 months old but had got very thin over the last 4 months, was eating normally and was drinking a lot of water. I am guessing she had something wrong somewhere, possibly something like diabetes, but in the end she went to sleep and didn't wake up. She was curled up in bed when I checked on her so at least she was peaceful. I had a little cry about her and still well up now but I know they don't live long and she had a good life with us, including a weekend exploring under the upstairs floorboards and taunting the cats!
As for our other pets, Whisky and Pepsi have now been neutered. I don't think Whisky actually noticed he'd had an op and Pepsi is having to learn to wonder round with a cone on her head to stop her ripping out her stitches. She has adapted very quickly though and is now managing very well!
Over the weekend T and I went shopping for her Bridesmaid dress. It was a long day with around 4 hours of wondering around. We nipped down to Newbury Manor first to remind ourselves of the colour scheme and then went to Reading to shop. We got a dress from Monsoon in the end but Trish tried on clothes in BHS as well wondering round a few other shops in our search. I still have loads of stuff to do for the wedding and only 4 or so months to do it in...... Scary!! B has to book an appointment with the Grooms Room, which is attached to Bride to Be where I got my dress, so he can organise what the boys are wearing.
We had new patio doors fitted today, something we decided on after the burglary. They look good but we need to move the step.....hadn't thought of that.
Other than that things have been good! My dose of Amitriptyline has been increased and I've stopped taking the Topiramate for the migraines as Amitriptyline can help prevent them as well! My 4 in 1 drug is now 5 in 1. My MS symptoms are back to being background symptoms which is good. This relapse lasted a while but not as long as the one in the back end of 2007 so I'm quite pleased about that. Some bits of it were worse but in general it wasn't any worse than previous relapses so maybe the Rebif is doing something.
Right, must go to the vets with Pepsi.....