Monday, 29 December 2008
Merry Christmas
Pepsi and Whisky went to spend Christmas with Mum and Dad which went really well considering their cat is 13 years old and very much the Queen of the house. Whisky was very interested in Cocoa and Pepsi hissed at Cocoa a lot but they basically kept apart and things went well. They both climbed the Christmas tree's at both houses, but were generally well behaved! We went round to Mum and Dad's yesterday to have 'Boxing Day' dinner and tea and to give/open our presents. It was a very different day to our actual Christmas and Boxing Day and it was great to see the family.
We brought the kitties home that evening as well. We have noticed some behaviour on Pepsi's part which is making us nervous so we have brought Whisky's pre-op appointment forward a week and are keeping them separated when we aren't in as we don't want any kittens. Whisky fortunately seems oblivious to her behaviour and just wants to play still, but we are not taking any chances!!
I am feeling much better and my wellness has been commented on by B's parents. Apparently I appeared a lot better than last time they saw me. I think just the fact I am sleeping well is making a huge difference still. I will visit my counsellor the second week of January and then may see her every other week rather than weekly. I am hoping to start increasing my hours gradually in the New Year, get back to full time hours fairly soon.
I have recently sent off my paperwork to the DVLA for my C1 yearly renewal and have been told I have to have a visual field test at the hospital. I know there won't be a problem as my eye sight and visual field are fine. It's just a pain having to jump through hoops to keep things..... I know it's a good thing really........ I probably wouldn't bother but I spent £800 getting that license and I would like to keep it.
Anyway, I have to go off to get induced to a gym, it'll be soooooo much fun!!
Friday, 21 November 2008
Kittens update
As for me I had a meeting with my rehab consultant and my manager to discuss reducing my hours slightly. This was done about 5 weeks ago and I am now working 6 hours a day instead of 8 to give me the chance to get home, get some light exercise, have a nap and then maybe cook dinner or tidy something as I really hadn't done anything in ages. Although I am finding that I am managing better because of the shorter days I don't think I feel better for it yet but I think that may be something to do with having a low mood, being anxious and not sleeping properly.
On that track I decided to give in and go to my GP and ask for help. I am having counselling through the MS Therapy Centre which she thought was really good but she agreed that I could do with something else so I am now on Amitriptyline. This should work as a four in one drug for me helping lift my mood, helping me sleep, doing something to my bladder and helping with the nerve pain in my bum and legs. All round good stuff!!
More to follow!!
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
I'm back!!
Oh, on a quick aside it was lovely to read that Emma of Me, Myself and MS has had a baby daughter, Ava. Congratulations!!
So to my month. Shortly after my last post, during the night I woke to go to the loo at around 05:00, went back to bed and then heard a cupboard door, I thought, kittens don't open cupboard doors and so decided to go downstairs and make sure everything was ok. Well everything was not ok, we had been burgled. The kittens were in the living room, the TV was gone and the patio door was open. All wrong things. Fortunately the kittens were ok and the burgerlers were gone (I heard a car leaving when I got dowstairs) so other than the initial swearing and 'shock' no one was hurt.
I shouted for B, my handbag was missing so I went to confirm that the car I heard going was mine, which it was and then we called the Police. Over the first few minutes we worked out that my car, both laptops, the TV, my handbag (inc phone, wallet, keys, satnav, diary etc) B's camera and B's laptop bag were missing. It could have been worse as I disturbed them before they got round the whole of the kitchen but it was bad enough.
I had been off work the Monday and Tuesday due to a migraine and then didn't go in on the Wednesday due to having no transport. Needless to say being burgled has done nothing for my sleep patterns, stress levels or symptoms.... Having said that things are sorting themselves out now. I was sleeping better, I guess I'm now not due to having more people in the house at the moment and I have had my car back and have already part exchanged it for a used automatic astra. It's very nice, 7 months old, very easy to drive!!
The home isurance cogs are also turning slowly we may get our stuff replaced eventually!!
I think I'll leave that as chapter one of this last month and I'll try and add another short chapter tomorrow.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
The unbearable cuteness of kittens
We have been to the vets once for vaccinations, worming, general check over and blood tests for FIV and Leukemia (because their Dad is a stray) and although we weren't popular it went well and they were as good as gold when we were with them. Apparently Pepsi nearly hit the roof when the blood tests were done but that is understandable.
(I am currently being attacked by Whisky who is not usually this playful......!!!)
Plum (the hamster) doesn't seem to care about the presence of the cats and is going about her daily trial to try and escape from her cage. The cats aren't allowed in the living room when we aren't around as that is Plum's home and we need to sort her cage out a bit better before we can trust it not to be break-out-able...... At the moment it has numerous pirex dishes on top of it as she can lift the top up. Little bugger she is (and it is a poorly designed cage.....).
The fish apparently are quite interesting but have only been looked at. The one's in the kitchen have actually been left alone entirely.
Other than these two the holiday was really good, we good some really good weather considering what it had been like. Was really good to see my Aunty V in Wensleydale and as always the cheese factory was great!!
Unfortunately my relapse didn't continue to get better but decided to get worse...... It hasn't moved around much which is good, but my right leg has become more numb again, to the point where my balance has been affected, my right arm/hand is also more numb and is causing some pain by the end of a days typing, also the right side of my head is numb! Never had a numb head before, it also itches which is really nice....! And the normal tiredness and bladder problems that go with my relapses. Still it could be worse and I'm only annoyed as I was hoping it was getting better nice and quickly for once.......
Having said all that I noticed that my leg seemed a bit better yesterday so I am going to just keep my fingers crossed at some point before Xmas things return to normal (for me).
So all in all am actually feeling positive and better in myself at the moment. Still having moments and am planning to continue some counselling at the MS Therapy Centre. I have also had Physio recommended to help with my balance so hope to do that there as well.
I am going to go now so I can get harassed some more before I go off for my flu jab!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Fancy Goldfish
Got my first Getting to Grips with MS session tonight. Not sure what to expect so will let you know.
Work is going well, they gave the trainee (me) a Premier customer to look after........still if I pull it off it'll look good!!
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Follow on
I also wanted to thank Ann for her comments. I am a bit useless at asking for help as I like to do things myself but I am learning to!! B does do a lot around the house. I spend a lot of time watching him cook dinner and he has been cleaning out our hamster on his own recently - he is very good!!
I saw the counsellor on Wednesday. She was very nice. I wasn't sure what to say so she explained a bit about what she was there for and what she did and then I started and she basically guided me through talking about my worries and what had been going on in my mind recently. Amongst all the more trivial things I realised that leaving my job has had a big impact. The biggest problem being the thoughts of what might have been. This relapse has, I think, been the penny dropping time as well. I was waiting for the penny to drop when I was diagnosed and it didn't. I think it has, to an extent, now. We ended with me saying that I felt guilty for feeling sorry for myself as I wasn't bad with MS, I have a great fiance, family, friends and house and a reasonable job. She said it was ok to feel sorry for myself. Still not convinced but then that's me, that will always be me. I am however feeling much better in myself.
As for the wedding. The invites have arrived. Mum and Dad have some of the Save the date cards to send and I will be gathering all the oustanding addresses and handing all of them and the day and evening invitations over to Mum and Dad for them to organise. I have delegated the label organising and printing to B as well!! I could get used to this!! For those wondering it is May 2009 so we have plenty of time to go yet!!!
Just as an aside I was having problems with algae in my fish tank. Have been since we moved so I thought well, lets get a new tank (£30) and a couple of algae eater fish and see how we get on. Well I got the new algae eater fish and put them in the old tank and then set the new tank up so it could mature a bit. Well I was staring at the old tank on Wednesday (5 days later) and realised I could see through it! The algae had more or less gone. Now a week later the tank is pristiene!! I would recommend them to anyone having an algae problem in a cold water tank. I got 2 algae eater fish and they are about an 3 cm long each. Amazing!!!! Its absolutely amazing. So we are planning some new fish for the new tank as we don't need to bin the old one!
I am also a happy bunny as my relapse appears to be settling (not quite go as far as to say getting better but..) already and it has only been 3 weeks since it started. I just hope it doesn't start roving round my body like they have in the past.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
I noticed the week before last that I was getting very tearful very easily but put that down to the fact that as normal my mood had dropped with the onset of a relapse. As the week went on I realised it was worse than it was than last time and that I was worrying about how much I was moaning about it all to B, making me more tearful. I contacted my MS Nurse about the relapse and the tearfulness and she provided me with the number of a counselor from the local MS therapy centre. I am hoping that all I need is someone to talk to as I am feeling fine some of the time and am seeing her next week for a chat.
I am finding it hard to get things done at the moment so am worrying about things not being done (viscious circle....). I needed to get fliers out for an event I have been helping to organise and that was worrying me, I needed to get save the date cards printed and sent out for the wedding and there is always so much that needs doing around the house....... So I decided to take stock and following a conversation with my parents I have ordered all the wedding invitations including the save the date cards. I did the fliers in stages and B and I have decided not to buy anything else that needs actioning for the house so I don't feel bad about it not being done.
I was really not enjoying my job which was not helping - that has improved grately over the last week as I have my own work to do now so fingers crossed that won't be a big problem for the time being.
So, although I am not as good as I'd like to be I am taking steps in the right direction. The hardest part of all this was realising that actually what I was feeling wasn't right and that I could do with some help to help me get some perspective on things and to make sure I don't get myself into a proper pickle without realising it. I never thought I would need help. I am strong, I bounce back - and I will again - just with a little help (nearly broke into a Beatles song then.....!!!!) :o)
Monday, 25 August 2008
Over doing things
Having a bit of a feeling sorry for myself weekend, well moments over the weekend. I have had a few weekends now where I have done things that have taken me a week to get over, even when I do listen to my body. I was thinking yesterday morning, I don't want this to happen for the rest of my life - at which point I realised that it would. This morning has not been helped by the fact that for the second BH weekend running B has left his alarm on and woken me up early in the morning but too late for me to get back to sleep. I may not talk to him today.
I have my new drugs to try and stop me having migraines - Topiramate - the GP seemed perfectly happy to prescribe them and had even had a quick read up of my case! Great! I have done really really well with my GP's so far, although I think she may be a locum - one day I'll see a permenant GP at that surgery......!
I went to a wedding last weekend. A friend from Uni so it was a bit of a reunion! It was a very nice wedding and very good party afterwards!! It took me until Friday to recover from having a few drinks and staying up until midnight so I won't be doing that again. It was my first week doing my proper job this week so it was quite hard working properly whilst feeling pretty grotty all week. Still I survived and will learn from my mistakes!
This weekend was a work weekend. I invited Mum and Dad around for a gardening day and we worked on the front garden which is now looking great! Mum also cleaned most of the inside of the house in the afternoon while 'we' were putting the bark down! I have great parents and I can't thank them enough for their hard work this weekend. :o)
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Last week......
We had a week working at our desks with mentors last week. I am guessing the training environment may be causing some of my problems with migraines. I have been feeling much much better over the last 10 days but the last 2 in training I have been starting to feel unwell again. Still only a couple of days left until the training is over and I can do my new job. On the subject of migraines I have finally received a letter from my MSN re the suggested prescription to try and prevent them. She had sent it to the address I lived at 2 addresses ago...... Never mind, I have an appointment Monday morning so hopefully I will get what has been suggested.
I'm all good re the MS still. The usual bits and pieces are hanging around but they are becoming more and more the 'norm' - which is slightly depressing but I am getting used to the idea now - its only been 15 months!!
Oh, back to work, they have allocated me a parking space at the building where I work rather than a 5 minute walk up (or down) a hill, away! That was much quicker than I expected so fingers crossed the other bits and pieces are arranged quickly.
What else.....? Oh, we went to the Great British Beer Festival on Friday. It was just the 2 of us but we had a good time. Plenty of beer, a burger and some pig bits were consumed over around 7 hours!! Needless to say I paid for it the next day but took it easy enough over the weekend and appear to be ok so far this week - if a little headachy at work.
Over the next few weekends we seem to be quite busy and not with house related stuff, real pain, would like to get some housey stuff done really. Still I am going to watch a friend get married next weekend (without B!!) so am really looking forward to that. Busy busy!!
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Work is ok, I had a better week this last week. Not as tired and only 1 migraine. I haven't had the cc letter from my nurse yet so I will have to chase that. Want to get something from the GP before I decide I don't need it, well I have already done that as I haven't had a migraine since Tuesday, but will decide I need it again when I have another migraine sometime next week..... I have a meeting soon with the Vocational Rehab Consultant looking after me and my manager to talk about me and any adaptions that can be made to help me at work. I am hoping they will be as good as I am hoping and that I get everything I would like - such as a parking space, new chair, new mouse/keyboard and a fan for my desk. I guess having fallen over on the way to the work overflow car park I will get the parking space without much question!
I had a good night last night (and shopping trip today) with a couple of friends from Uni. It was great to catch up with all the comings and going. I can't believe one of them is trying for a baby. So scary and grown up!!
The most exciting news of the week as that we have booked our honeymoon!!!!! Two weeks in the sun!!!!!!!!!!
MS - is behaving itself still. With the humidity at the moment my right eye isn't getting the chance to fully clear up so continues to cause me problems on and off and again with the humidity the tingles are more irritating. Other than that all good!!
Thursday, 24 July 2008
I fell over....
Other than that I had another migraine yesterday and I am waiting for a letter from my MS Nurse with a suggestion for a prescription to try and reduce the number I am getting.
So much fun........
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Tired = Migraines = naff week.......
Lat Friday was the Unum Summer Party, which was very good, had a couple of drinks but not too much - we had £40 worth of drinks vouchers between us - generous company! We went to our hotel room at around 12:30 which is really very late for me and were then up and out by 09:00 for shopping and getting home as we were expecting a bed delivery from Argos.
We then managed to get quite a lot done over the rest of the weekend, cleaned out Plum and the fish - they really needed a clean! We also painted the 3rd bedroom, Mum came over and helped as well! After all that I felt alright but this last week has just been really, really hard work.
Had a migraine on Monday but I got rid of that and had my first ever golf lesson! We had dinner out after that so got back half 9 ish - when I went to bed. Felt ok, if tired on Tuesday but had to go to Dorking for the day. The drive was quite tiring but on the way back I took the opportunity to pop into Bracknell Ambulance Station. There were loads of people there so it was really great to see everyone. Only problem was that on Wednesday when I got home from work having had another migraine, having a headache and being really, really tired I ended crying about what I'd left behind, the migraines, the fact that I was crying and feeling ill AGAIN and why would B want to be with me. All that sort of fun stuff. I was just very very tired and felt much better after getting some sleep. I've been in bed by 20:30 for three nights in a row now so am catching up slowly.
So all in all a pretty naff week. I have emailed my neuro about getting some medication to try and prevent the migraines - from posting on the MS Society board beta blockers look like they might be the way forward, but I will wait for Dr W's advice.
We are out tonight at a friends Wedding Reception but I don't plan to be out late and as I am driving I can leave when I like!! I have decided a short trial without alcohol may be a good idea to see if there is any reduction in migraines/headaches. I started a week ago after the Summer Party and will drink again on the CAMRA Beer Festival we are attending at the beginning of August. May also be good for the weight loss!
Anything else interesting? Work is going well although it is going to take some time for me to adjust to a desk job. I had an ergonomic assessment on Monday and will probably be getting a new chair if not a couple of other things. We are going to organise another meeting to discuss both reports and then include my line manager. Other than being tired I'm not having MS problems which is great - just need to get a handle on the migraines.......
Monday, 7 July 2008
Work is going well. The training is still quite full on, although we have pretty much a whole week with our mentors this week. My mentor has just got back from A/L so having me pestering him has got to be annoying. I have been told off for saying sorry though, so I won't do that anymore.
I have an ergonomic assessment booked for the beginning of next week and then the plan to try and ensure I stay in work will be discussed and put in place - I hope. We are visiting the 'Open Door' centre next week so will see the place that deals with functional capacity and does all the work place testing etc. Will be good to see what they can do.
Anyway, other than that not a lot is happening. My Nan is having a pretty tough time at the moment due to several things but the rest of the family seem fine and everyone is rallying round Nan so she'll be fine.
Right, I am off to bed!!
Monday, 30 June 2008
Rebif/Bon Jovi
So I thought I would just go for it, got it out of the fridge while I prepared so the condensation had time to go and then injected it. I inject manually into my stomach and my thighs and use the auto injector for my bum. I have hardly felt it! I have injected it 9 times and so far the worst stinging I have had is about equal to the least stinging I had using the old stuff! Great, much more comfortable.
I don't do anything special when I inject, just inject it and take ibuprofen immediately after or before. I have found I need to take a couple of paracetamol when I go to bed otherwise I wake up with a headache but I guess that is my body adjusting to the slightly different formula.
So all in all a big thumbs up from me!
So what else have I been up to....... Finished painting the porch - the first room we have completed, it is our porch now! New curtains (for decoration) and a lick of paint, quick and easy. Work is going well, training still but getting into a more hands on bit where I am actually doing work and sending letters. We start on the medical training tomorrow, the liver and substance abuse as a starting topic, should be interesting.
I have had an appointment with the Vocational Rehab Consultant, she was very nice! We had a chat, I told her how I am affected by my MS and she made some suggestions. She thinks I should get a parking space at the office immediately as I have to walk up a hill for 5 minutes to get from the car park to the office and it causes my ON to get worse and I get pain in my legs. She has suggested an ergonomic assessment and a chair that promotes good circulation and that I should be able to work hours that ensure I don't have to spend a long time in the car - which would mean I don't ever stay till half 5. There is also a plan in place so that if I have a relapse some of my work is taken by others and if I have to get the train because of a relapse which means I don't feel safe driving I can shorten my hours slightly to compensate for the extra time! All very good, except some of the above will be noticeable to my colleagues and they may want to know why. Haven't decided what to do get. I guess I should do what means I feel good and well at work....... I will wait for her report. I do think it is positive that they are that interested and seem to be happy/willing to make reasonable adjustments from the beginning!
And the high point - I went to see Bon Jovi at Twickenham Friday evening, it was great! I have been a Bon Jovi fan since I was about 14 and wasn't allowed to go with my friends to see them when I was 15 so I had been waiting for this for 12 years! It was brilliant, they sang lots of greatest hits and lots of newer stuff. They were on stage for almost 2.5 hours! Great lights and clever LCD screen things, it was great!! Soooooo brill!! Can you tell I enjoyed myself!! I was lucky in that the seats in front were empty so even when the people in the rows further down stood up I could choose to sit down. I survived unscathed as well, late night but could sleep in the next morning so got enough sleep.
So brilliant!!
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Yearly review
Firstly we went through what had happened symptom/relapse/life wise in the last year. He noted down everything, including my moving date and wedding date and my new job title. He commented that what I thought was one long relapse may well have been two at the end of last year (bit of a surprise) and that it had been a busy year.
He then did all the tests they can do easily, reflexes, finger to nose, pigeon steps, hopping on one leg, reading etc etc.
Then we discussed how I was getting on with Rebif, I asked a couple of questions. I asked about the migraines I am getting, we are going to leave further treatment and see how I get on as they seem to be under control, for now, and asked if this latest thing with my eye was a relapse - he said yes, which I thought it would be, just hoping it was more of an excaserbation.....
He rounded up by saying that he would like to leave things as they are and see how I get on. Said to let my nurse know if I have any relapses and gave me a bloods form, really useful at 5pm.......
Still it was a good appointment, he was thorough and helpful, listened and noted lots down!
Other than that I just don't seem to have had much in the way of down time. I am still unpacking and seem to be busy at the weekends, or relaxing...! The new job is going well so far. I am in training at the moment, 2nd week and I am coping well with it. I get home at a sensible time and am managing to go out or do things a couple of evenings as well. The ON is getting better finally. When it is humid the ON gets a little worse but the trend is towards it clearing. The normal tingling is there with the humidity as well but I guess that is par for the course now!
Oh, got to the new Rebif finally, first injection Monday evening. I will give my experience of it, and an overview of my technique to go with it sometime after my first week.
What else, well we are still unpacking, I have turned 27 and I am trying to drum up enthusiasm for getting back to Weight Watchers tonight.......
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
1 year on and last day at work
Coincidently it is also one year to the day since I was sat in my neuros office being told I have MS.
I am pleased that I have finally made the decision and that my last day is over ready for my new start next week but I am also so very sad.
So from now on it is no longer Victoria Plum - Ambulance Technician, it is just Victoria Mary Plum. As of next week I am a Claims Management Specialist!!
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Two weeks on
My right eye is staying the same really, ok most of the day and then as I start to get tired I start to notice it more and find it harder to look at the computer screen. Now for instance the screen is no problem, if I was doing this at 3 or 4 pm I would probably have to concentrate a bit harder. My MS Nurse says it is boarder line ON as I don't have any pain with it. I am sure it is ON but will see an optician if it hasn't started to clear up in the next month.
We had our house warming party yesterday. It was supposed to be a BBQ and garden thing but as the weather wasn't that good we spent most of the time inside - still managed to use the BBQ as it was dry most of the time. I have been up a couple of hours now and have cleared all the bottles up, loaded the dishwasher and washed all the glasses which are either too big for the dishwasher or not dishwasher safe. Still to look forward to - cleaning the BBQ and the patio where the fat dripped....... I will wait for B to surface before I start on that!
Still we had a really nice afternoon and evening. Only one of my friends could make it but loads of B's friends came. It was a sort of 2 session day. Those with kids came for a few hours in the afternoon/early evening and then those without kids came for the evening. We invited the neighbors and they seem to be really nice so thats a good start!
Oh, almost forgot, I got my blood test results this week! I have gone from a result of 123 (something to do with liver enzymes) to 66, which is apparently just above normal! My consultant has said I don't need another test for 6 months - I think I am due one in August but I'll see what they say at my appointment in June. I was really worried I would have to come off Rebif but I am really chuffed that everything seems to be returning to normal!!
On the subject of Rebif, I am hoping to get the new formula in my delivery on Wednesday. I was told I would get it last time but didn't and then got another letter telling me I'll be getting this time so we will see. Apparently you aren't supposed to get it out of the fridge before injection anymore as they can't guarantee its stability. I am reserving judgment until I get it and use it.
Lost 1lb at weight watchers over the last 2 weeks - thought I had put on so I was really chuffed!!
So my last day at work is coming up fast, then I have a week off, then I start my new job! Very exciting and sad at the same time. We are expecting B's parents soon and we all sorts of things still to do here. I MUST remember to pace myself!
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
We moved house on Friday!! It all (give or take the sofa) went really well and we were in with all our gear by 14:00. We actually had a phone call to tell us all the money had been transferred at around 10:00! I never thought it would be that early, I guessed it would be after midday seeing as it took all day to exchange. The movers got everything into the van by midday, after a fight with the sofa lasting around 30 minutes and headed off and we closed B's front door for the final time at 12:15. I picked up the keys and then there we were! The movers unpacked quickly and headed off and Mum and Dad stayed until 17:00 ish to help clean up after the movers, we then unpacked a few bits, went out to get some cable for the Sky box and had fish and chips for dinner.
It was very successful overall. Romans did their jobs and sold both houses quickly, even after our first buyer fell through. My house was sold through Winnersh branch and B's through Reading. They have dedicated sales progressors who are much less annoying than the wide boy valuers and sales people and with plenty of regular pressure did a very good job.
Solicitors, well Willmett and Co, in Woodley were ok. They were fairly useless at chasing things up properly and occasionally didn't read letters properly but with me emailing them every other day the sale went through within a reasonable time scale - about 12 weeks so I am happy enough. I'm sure there are better and worse Solicitors out there and they were reasonable priced for a shared ownership sale.
EJ Winter and Co from Reading were better than Willmetts. They had regular pressure from me throughout the sale, every other day to begin with, and always managed to do what they said they'd do within a good time scale. From getting new buyers to completion was 8 weeks (ish) so not bad at all. We lost 3 weeks with our original buyers but still managed to move only one week later than the original preferred date! All very well done.
Smooth Move did a very good job. Three nice chaps loaded the van and then there was a fourth appeared for unloading. They struggled with the sofa which really didn't want to go out. In the end they took off both doors and the beading around each of the doors.....still it went in the end! They were very helpful and very nice and chatty and were worth every penny! I would quite happily recommend them for removals. Oh, they supplied us with plenty of boxes and packing tape for a deposit which we should get back once we unpack!
Other than that, I have all my paperwork for my new job, just need to sign and send it off and buy another suit.... Only have to one I bought for interviews. I guess I ought to get back to the wedding planning as well.......
My MS has decided to rear its ugly head. I'm not surprised really though. It's been a really stressful couple of months and I am now tired. I haven't slept properly for a couple of days and have worked hard. I now appear to have a touch of ON in my right eye - maybe. I've never had it in that eye before so I am wondering if it is a floater or a problem caused by my stigmatism - which has happened before. My left eye is ok which is great! No change so fortunately I can still see fine with both eyes open! I am hopeing a little rest and relaxation will help, I am starting this evening!!
Waffle over!
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Weight watchers this week was better than expected but that is all I am saying - I am starting again on the 7th May!
My MS is behaving itself still and I have had no letters telling me to stop taking Rebif, all good at the moment!!
Right, hopefully I'll have lots to report on next time I write :o)
Friday, 25 April 2008
Weight Watchers Week 8
is over I may be able to get on with it properly.
So the news of the day is that I have a new job! I had an interview following some testing and was offered the job today. I have taken it, now I have to go through the unpleasant task of talking to my manager and resigning. Its not a good time now either, a long standing ambulance man and colleague died this week. My manager, I think, has found things very difficult and although its not a big thing me leaving it is just a bad time - he has supported me so well through my diagnosis and it will be hard leaving.....
Still it does mean that the houses and job are sorted, just the wedding to go!
Monday, 21 April 2008
We also exchanged on the chain involving B's place so are all ready and raring to go for completion (date to be advised once we have moved) so its all go. The movers are booked - I will review them after the fact just in case any of my lovely readers need movers in the area and will review the estate agents and solicitors involved as well - just for something to do - it won't be in depth!
I have a headache today - I think it may be stress related, or the come down from stress anyway, combined with a bottled beer. It seems I can drink real ale from a proper barrel (not nitrokeg) without getting a headache but not from a bottle. I can also drink red wine in relative safety.......its not fair, I don't like being restricted on alcohol choice........
I am now vegetating on the sofa watching the snooker - I think I am set for the afternoon/evening!!
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Weight Watchers Week 7
Other than that, the houses seem to be going well. Completion on my place is imminent, we exchanged last week - I will have money again!! B's should exchange sometime next week and complete sometime soon after fingers crossed.
I should be getting the new formulation of Rebif in my delivery next week. I have high hopes that it won't sting as much as the old one, especially, in my case, in my thigh. It is stinging as I type..... Bit late tonight on the stabbing. I forgot to get it out of the fridge this morning as I was on leave today (for reasons I will be able to explain at some point) so out of my routine and then forgot this evening, again routine and by the time I remembered to get it out of the fridge it was 8pm and I then had to leave it an hour.......still I have no plans for Friday so it doesn't matter if I do it late.
I am still well, coming to realise that I feel soooo much better when I don't drink alcohol the night before so it is really not worth it, but in general I am fine. Still have the same left over bits as before but its all ok.
Oh and I have an appointment with HR and my manager in a couple of weeks to discuss the Occi Health report......should be fun!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Next edition of the Carnival of MS Bloggers
I have submitted a post for this issue of the Carnival of MS Bloggers, which was published today.
Have a read - its a great place to browse other MS Bloggers sites and get inspiration!
PS - Its a link!! I made a picture into a link!!! Yeay!!!!
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
B***** Peugeot.......

Just thought I'd add a random piccy! Its the pub in Bridlington that my grandparents used to run!
Got home yesterday evening to find, well two things. The moving house man was early and Peugeot have recalled my car, again...... 4th time in four years...... It irritates me. At least I am working 5 minutes walk away from a dealership so I can throw it at them in the morning then pick it up when they are finished, by 4 pm if they know what is good for them.....
Oh and I had a headache yesterday, had a mini-melt down about trying to sell two houses (soon to be one if all goes to plan) and ordered Chinese food as I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to eat, and it was comfort food. Yes, I know this is one of the things I have to work on, my comfort eating is the reason I don't loose a lot more weight........still.........
Monday, 7 April 2008
Weight Watchers Week 6 - The peanut butter and jelly sandwiches week.......
On Saturday night we were invited to Newbury Manor Hotel for a mini wedding fair of all their preferred suppliers. We met the lady who will do our flowers, I chatted to the local hairdressers and we met the new wedding planner. H the previous wedding planner for the hotel is going off to Australia for a year so an ex wedding planning of the hotels who has set up her own business, Essentially You, is taking over. J is very nice and as she used to work at Newbury Manor I'm sure things will go very smoothly!
It was really nice to go out and do some wedding related stuff, its all been house related recently. They even put on some food on (which was very nice, with some very nice desserts) and there were four wines to taste - I tasted rather a lot of the red wine. Ah, that evening may well be part of the reason my weight loss was a bit less than hoped for......still it was a nice weekend out!
Houses - who knows..............
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Snow in the Thames Valley!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Weight watchers week 5
I lost the weight I put on last week! So all square again, which I am really pleased about. Thats 3lb off. I can admit to it now I have lost it again!!
I went to see my Occupational Health Department yesterday. Due to ongoing symptoms which have been left behind by my last relapse the Occupational Health Physision is recommended I am redeployed in the medium term, which apparently means 12 months. I'm not too bothered as I don't really want to go back anyway. I like working sensible hours and being able to have a life. He was very reassuring about getting a new job as well. Told me a bit about the process and what I was expected to disclose and what their Occi Health people should be doing. Apparently they shouldn't disclose an illness to the managers, they have to keep it to themselves!
Anyway, we have a new lady starting in the Office today so I ought to get things straightened up!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Proud of myself!
Secondly on Sunday I cooked a roast! My first ever roast!!! I have cooked roast potatoes before but never the whole thing and the potatoes turned out better than before - just like my Mums! I think the chicken needed turning around and cooking for a bit longer because one side was perfectly cooked but the other wasn't! Never mind, I know for next time!
Also made gravy from the chicken juices, bread sauce from a packet and put some prepared veg in to roast as well. All very good and enjoyed with a glass of white wine!!
I know its not much but I was really chuffed!!
Friday, 28 March 2008
Sex (Mum, you don't want to read this one...)
Originally my problems were isolated to the left side of my torso and my lower legs. Then one morning I woke up and the numb feeling was all the way up to my bum and I was having to check with my hands that I was sat on the loo seat properly, I also felt like I had a permenant 'wedgy' which was really, really annoying!
I realised, having been to the loo that although I could feel the area around my genitals it was not a normal feeling - interesting I thought - but possibly not good. I went to the Dr shortly after this and was referred to a neuro - lucky me, no faffing, no 'its stress' just, go see a neuro.
I'm not sure when my other half and I next had sex but I am a big fan of getting my pleasure in - and I am not that easy to please! Anyway, he had to stop (sore tongue..!) and I couldn't orgasm. I was mortified, couldn't even do it myself. After that I was constantly worrying, did he mind that I couldn't orgasm? Did he mind that I wasn't really interested because I couldn't feel much anyway? I was constantly apologising. He as ever was constantly reminding me that it didn't matter and it would get better or we'd find ways around it. Then I remembered my Rabbit. Now I know some people don't like the Rampant Rabbit idea (trademark Ann Summers....) but when you are a bit numb down there it really works, well for me anyway! Where others failed the rabbit succeeded!
In terms of me not wanting to have sex as much we kind of muddled along, I had gone from dragging him to bed almost nightly for nookie to maybe being up for it once at the weekend. After I was diagnosed we went about two weeks without sex. When I finally pulled myself back together and seduced him into bed we found out that things had obviously affected him as well.
I decided that the afternoons were the best time for me, usually when I got home from work, so I started waiting for him in our bedroom when he got home from work. I'd send him a naughty text when I knew he would be leaving so he'd make sure he came straight home. Still do that now as well! Afternoons during the week and the weekend come to think of it are a great time for us, we're both awake because we've been at work and we get a couple of hours to ourselves, great! I also try and jump on him at the weekends when I am feeling well. It has all been about making the most of feeling well and making time for sex.
Before we would mainly have sex at bedtime, now its anytime we are up for it (within reason obviously!) but still not as often - I think I value the times more often now.
After a couple of months the feeling came back, it has gone briefly since and I don't think it is completely back to normal but we still have a lot of fun and I have a much better appreciation for sex toys!!
General MS stuff - still relapse free, its about a month since I made the declaration and long may it continue!
Anyway, I can't believe I am posting this but if it is of any help to anyone then its worth it, and I really hope my mother hasn't got to this point!
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Weight Watchers week 4
Other than that I fell over in London and played crazy golf on Saturday, also in London. Can you remember what the weather was like at around 4pm on Saturday? Took me ages to defrost...!!
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Weight Watchers week 3
On Friday night I took B to a new 'Gastro pub' on the Peacock Farm development in Bracknell, called Peacock Farm strangely enough. It serves Badgers beer and the meals we had were very good. You can search for Hall and Woodhouse Pubs via the link above (one day I will find out how to do pretty links). I would thoroughly recommend eating and drinking at Peacock Farm, the food is good pub food and is reasonably priced and the beer is well kept (apparently) and very tasty (from experience!!). Two courses and drinks for two cost around £40. You must remember to book though. It is probably the fact that it is new but if you want lunch or dinner any day of the week you have to book.
I seem to be stable with the MS symptoms at the moment. I occasionally get slight worsening, usually when I am tired (like now) and am feeling like my legs are really struggling to get my body up stairs. Having said that a combination of MS, weight and lack of exercise are probably causing that.......
I have an annual review appointment in June, sent through by the hospital with no prompting from me! I gues my MS Nurse may have had something to do with it but I am so pleased I am under a Neurology Department that seems to get things done. Oh another MS related thing, I had a letter cc'd to me by my Neuro and it seems that my liver enzymes (guessing its them) have risen slightly. I have to have an extra blood test in a month to check on them and I am hoping its just a blip and they stay put or go down again. I know it is a side effect of Rebif and apparently fairly common at that but I am a little concerned because I am getting on well with Rebif and would prefer not to change.
Still we shall see.......
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Carnival Issue #6
Sunday, 9 March 2008
The end of my annual leave.......
I did some packing up here at my place ready for moving and have been harassing the people involved in the sales of both my and B's place. They are all going to hate me by the end of this!!
So Thursday and Friday were days for vegetating, which I did. The week has just gone so quickly!
I think I am finally at the end of my fourth and longest relapse, 6 months. I have a few bits left over but they will either clear up or they won't. None of them are a big problem. My hands haven't returned to normal nor has my left eye - although its not far off. My legs are the same as they were after the last relapse so I am pretty pleased with that! I am really hoping my Neuro gets back to my Occi Health people sometime soon though, I would really like to get things moving with that.....
So the house moving, that has been interesting. We were advised to put B's place back on the market last weekend which we did and the Sales person rang the chap that had previously been interested. He came round with his sisters in law to have a look around. They put in a low offer on Monday and after a lot of negotiation we got the price to a reasonable level and accepted the offer on Tuesday. We were told that the previous buyer was having trouble getting a mortgage and was probably stringing us along with the booking for surveyors so it was decided a new buyer was the best course. I contacted our vendors on the Wednesday, needless to say she was not happy but thanked me for letting her know as Woodleys hadn't. From the sound of it she gave Woodleys a bit of a roasting about that! Everyone seems to think that it will be possible to exchange by the end of the month so fingers crossed!
Finally the wedding. I have booked the photographer and have contacted the disco so things are moving on. I need to contact a hair dresser but I think that can be done at my leisure. Not sure who to use really, I need someone in Newbury and I have no idea! I will ring the people Newbury Manor have suggested and see what they say.
I have to say there is sooo much going on at the moment, its been soooo nice to have a week to myself. I thought I'd end up with B at home with me this week as he caught my cold and is more inclined to take a couple of days sick to recover than I am! Still he was a brave man and struggled through! Week to myself during the day - bliss!
Saturday, 8 March 2008
MS Awareness, Blogging Friends and a Little Link Love!!
There are at least 137 MS Bloggers out there actively discussing whatever suits their fancy. Below you will find many of these suspects....wait... I mean lovely blogger friends who happen to have multiple sclerosis.
Remember how I mentioned a group project was in the works? Well here it is. As the founder of the Carnival of MS Bloggers, I'd like your help in spreading the word, and in doing so we will strengthen the bonds of our own little Multiple Sclerosis Blogging Web (and share some linkie love with each other). If you are not an MS Blogger, but are a regular reader here, please feel free to help spread the word too.
Here's what you do:
- Copy the entirety of this post
- Create a new post and paste this content
- Visit 3 of the blogs listed below which you were unfamiliar
- Leave a comment on their blog encouraging them to participate
- Please add Brass and Ivory to your sidebar, if it's not already
9 Brand New MS Bloggers joined the blogosphere in 2008!!
New! Carole's MS Blog (Carole) 49
New! Great Mastications (Orla) 37
New! Movin' On with MS (Sammie) 26
New! Me, Myself and MS (Emma) 10
New! Being Ammey 8
New! Blogbuster (Daniel) 6
New! Etsy Crest (Shelby) 6
New! Serina's Blog 5
New! I'm Beating MS (Michael) 2
Most Prolific MS Blogger - so far in 2008!!
Jim's Deep Thoughts (Jim) 231
Top 10 Rather Prolific MS Bloggers - so far in 2008!!
A Stellarlife (Diane) 109
Multiple Synchronicities & Sclerosis (Merelyme) 90
Friday's Child 70
My Journey - Living Well with MS (Diana) 69
Sunshine and Moonlight (Kim) 65
The MonSter Ate My Branes! (Natalie) 65
Queen Mediocretia of Suburbia 60
Brass and Ivory (Lisa) 56
Brain Cheese (Linda) 52
Maybe I'm Just Lazy (Julie) 51
28 Moderately Prolific MS Bloggers - so far in 2008!!
Maggsbunny (Maggie) 48
Living with Multiple Sclerosis (TC) 47
MS My Way 43
Bugs, Bikes, Brains (Shauna) 39
Dancing with MS (Lazscott) 37
Trying to Catch My Breath 37
A Florida Journal (SwampAngel) 35
Now We Are Six (Tish) 33
Reality Check (Michael) 32
Access Denied (Herrad) 31
Multiple Sclerosis Blog (Charles of 30
MS Activist (NMSS) 29
Self-injecting Chinese Hamsters since 2007 27
Shirl's the Girl (Shirley) 27
Disabled Not Dead (Anne) 26
Life with MS (Trevis) 26
Living with MS (Blinders Off) 25
White Lightning Axiom - Redux (mdm) 25
Stevers! 23
Word Salads (Have Myelin?) 23
Danieldoo (Vivian) 22
Caregivingly Yours (Patrick) 20
Deo Volente (Lisa N) 20
Down the MS Path (Vicki) 19
Do You Have That in My Size? (Denise) 17
Jenn's Nook (Jenn) 17
Fingolimod and Me (Jeri) 16
Human Life Matters (Mark) 16
51 Mildly Prolific MS Bloggers - so far in 2008!!
A Life of Learning with MS 15
Behind Blue Eyes (Zee) 15
Katy and Mike's Adventure (Katy) 15
Living Life as a Snowflake (Sharon) 15
Mandatory Rest Period (Kim) 15
MS Maze (Mandy) 15
My Journey with MS (Christina) 15
The Multiple Sclerosis Companion (Pat) 15
'Tis Herself (Kell) 15
A Short in the Cord (Joan) 14
Blindbeard's MS Blog 14
Bubbie's Blog (Cathy) 14
One Crazy Chick (Chris) 14
Pat's Pond (Pat) 14
Rants and Musings (Cutter) 14
G and K's Mom 13
MS Toolkit 13
Newly Diagnosed with MS (Andrea) 13
One Life (Stephen) 13
MS Not Just a Diary (Doug) 12
Rayne's World (Jayme) 12
Chaos Personified 11
My MS Journal (Jaime) 11
Purely Patsy (14 yr old Patsy) 11
Victoria Plum - Technician! (Victoria) 11
26 Less Prolific MS Bloggers - so far in 2008!!
Broken Clay (Katja) 10
Mark Pickup (Mark) 10
My Chain Driven Ride through Life in Alaska (Michelle) 10
Deborah Does Navel-Gazing (Deb) 9
Funky Mango's Musings 9
Inside the Mind of a Squirrel 9
Living Well with MS (Michon) 9
No Time for MS (Courtney) 9
Sorting It All Out (Michael) 9
Travels With Lucy (Virginia) 9
MS Caregivers (Prudence) 8
Can You Hear Me Now? (Donna) 7
Irreverence is Justified 7
Multiple Sclerosis Notes 7
My Tysabri Diary (Lauren) 7
Chris Has MS (Chris) 6
Diary of MS X (7 Divas) 5
Electrical Disturbance (Stephan) 5
Know Multiple Sclerosis 5
MS in the OC (Frank) 5
MS News and Notes (Deb) 5
MS Recovery Diet Blog (Ann) 5
The Endomorph (Ruth) 5
The Jaws of My Life (Jaws) 5
Time to Deal with MS (Homer) 5
YodaMamma MS & More 5
38 Barely Prolific MS Bloggers - so far in 2008!!
Some of these folks have multiple blogs or co-blog and are loved none-the-less!! Let's help spread the love and let them know that WE know they are appreciated.
Carolyne's MS Odyssey (Carolyne) 4
Defeating Illness (Chris) 4
Intent, Context, Perception (Chris) 4
Libbi's MS Journey (Libbi) 4
MS Recovery Diet Blog (Judi) 4
My Autoimmune Life 4
The Life & Times of Sancho Knotwise (JM) 4
The Zen Pretzel Trick (Zen Angel) 4
When it's Raining... (Keeley) 4
Kebenaran - The Truth 3
Montana Homecoming (Sister Jane) 3
Ms Quill 3
Reality Chick (Keli) 3
Catch My Disease (Lisle) 2
Clods and Pebbles 2
Dissonance 2
Georgia MS Advocates 2
Lazy Dog Public House 2
Looking Forward with MS (Pamela) 2
Surviving MS in Alaska (Michelle) 2
These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty (Trrish) 2
Troy's Multiple Sclerosis Experience 2
You Me and MS (Judi) 2
Camille's MSadventures 1
Comment Column (Virginia) 1
Erik's MS & Lyme Blog 1
Hop Bloody Hop (Philip) 1
Jenn's Journey with MS (Jenn) 1
Living with MS (Cyndee) 1
Mismorphic's World of MS 1
MS Musings 1
MS Real Life Stories & Issues (Kristin) 1
Postcards of My Life (Sherry) 1
Rebooting Times 1
Shoester (Doug) 1
The BS of My MS (Heather) 1
The Perseverant Pincushion (Trish) 1
Tysabri Help (Deej) 1
Having too many items from various posters to count:
LJ Users with Multiple Sclerosis
And finally - 26 MS Bloggers who have been silent in 2008!!
Angst on a Shoestring (Gina)
Dandelion Wine (Lynx)
Doug's MS Journal (Doug)
Imagine Bliss Butterfly (Suzy)
It's Not All in My Head (Optimist)
Just Above the Abyss (Heidi)
Life with MS , seeking a cure (Karyl)
Managing MS with Tai Chi (Joel)
Managing Multiple Sclerosis
Michele's Blog
Mike's Place
MS - My Scene (Virginia)
My Complications (Amanda)
My Demyelination (Tina)
My MS Experience
Object of My Injection (Michelle)
Say It Isn't So (Mouse)
Talk Story with Kimberly
The Great NetXperiment
To Be Continued... (Jaime)
Truth and Beauty (Baraka)
Tryin' to Imagine Bliss (Suzy)
What is MS to Me (Dave)
Willy's MS Rants
Wind Among the Reeds
Hard to categorize:
I Have MS (Tim)
Huggins' MS Pages (James)
MS - A Personal Account
MS Protocols (Jeff)
MSB's Podcast
MSing Around
Multiple Sclerosis Blog and News
Multiple Sclerosis Sucks
OUCH! It's a Disability Thing
Squiffy's House of Fun
Monday, 3 March 2008
Weight Watchers......
I will keep you updated on my progress!!
Sunday, 2 March 2008
It is Mothers Day today and we are supposed to be going to Mums to have dinner but I am a bit worried as Nan is due to have an operation on the 10th March and I don't want to give her anything.......
We will see!
Round up
I’ve been meaning to do this since the beginning of January, write a post which summarises the last year for me. A year that has been so hard yet also so wonderfully good!
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
The reincarceration of Plum....

Monday, 25 February 2008
The Great Escape......
We got home from our weekend away to find Plum had escaped. It could be interesting getting her back...... I know she is around because she ate all of the chocolate drops I left lying around last night. She will be fat......
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Catch up
So after all that and the panic associated with having to wait until the next day to book it with the Wedding Coordinator and possibly losing the date we wanted, we started on the house front.
Mine seems to be coming together. The buyer is approved and all the paperwork should have gone in the post yesterday. I am definitely thinking that the end of March is possible!! Such a relief…….. B’s went on the market on the 31st January, the for sale sign went up on the 6th February and we had several offers by the end of the day on the 8th February. We accepted an offer from a first time buyer and the contract is already signed! We have been looking for the last week and a half or so. We have had several intensive evenings and an intensive weekend and viewed around 20 properties. We eventually walked into a property (that was on the market for 20k more than we could really afford) that we really loved and we put an offer in. It took all day but the offer was accepted at 5k more than we really wanted to spend but it’s a lovely house!
So after all of that I woke up today feeling really quite rotten….. B and I haven’t been in for the evening for a log time (well it feels like that) and I think my body knows it doesn’t have to do anything much today. The relief of getting those two things sorted has been immense; having said that I am assuming it’ll get worse close to completion time.
My MS seems to have behaved itself throughout though! I have the same little niggles and I guess a little more pain in my hand than I had before but nothing has got significantly worse. I count this as a bonus! I think as a result of having a very busy life I have been forgetting my date with a needle occasionally. I forgot Mon a few weeks ago and I forgot Mon this week as well. Still not a big panic as I just took it Tues, Thurs, Sat instead of Mon, Wed, Fri. Any other news for this catch up post? Nope don’t think so, I haven’t heard from Occi Health re my fitness for my job yet so I am still working at HQ.
That’s about it! Oh, feeling better and happier overall (ignoring today) than I have an a long time!!
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Good News!

We went round to Mum and Dads as soon as the ring arrived a week later and we went up to Brid, planned visit, this weekend to tell B's parents. So all the family have been told and most of my important friends, just B's friends to tell now! Its so much more real when you start telling people, and obviously when you get the ring on your finger! So far I have a few places to visit and would really like to get a venue booked as we are looking at May 2009 for a date which will apparently get booked up quick!
As for other things, our trip to Bridlington was good, although I wasn't very well on the way up there and we hit a queue a bit after J28 of the M1 so after a couple of mad dashes for the loo we decided that staying in a hotel was the best plan so we went back to one we had seen and set up camp for the night. I didn't get much sleep over the next couple of nights and as a result I am feeling shattered and have had headache after headache, hence why I left work at 1pm today and still have a horrible headache.
My symptoms are worse - L'Hermittes is reaching new levels of annoyance......... Still when I don't have a headache things aren't too bad. Although having never worn a ring before my ring finger feels very very strange, made worse by the fact I can't feel my hands properly still! Good strange though!!
I think thats about it for today (Tues 22nd by the way), oh saw my MS Nurse last week, nothing much to report, carry on as normal for now, oh the joys of MS!
Monday, 14 January 2008
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Useless B******* woman......
I had to tidy and get rid of all the junk from my place as I wasn't worried seeing as Lucy didn't need to see it, that took me 3.5 hours at which point I went out to the Maidenhead MS 18-40 ish group for the first time. During the tidying I managed to fall down the last few stairs of my staircase and pulled my shoulder, back and hit my knee on the radiator at the bottom (I was concerned that the radiator moved...) hence I am at home recuperating with extra tiredness, enhanced symptoms and an achy back, shoulder and knee......
Other than that things are bumbling along. I saw Occi Health Monday, they think I should see an OH Dr after speaking to my Neuro so we can have a conversation about my job. I think I have already decided to change as I spend half my time putting pressure on myself about making a decision and the other worrying about whether I am making things worse, etc etc etc (I could go on...). Work is ok, just about have enough work to fill my time and its all experience!
Oh, my car passed its MOT yesterday, good bit of news at least. The fun part was changing the disc brakes.
Your Peugeot may have brake discs and pads usually associated with the 307 1.4. The discs are 266mm thick not 283mm thick as most retailers of parts seem to have on their systems and therefore the pads are also different to the registered part. Mine is a 53 reg (Jan 2004).
Anyway, I'm off to get dressed (yes its nearly 1400..) and get some lunch.
Friday, 4 January 2008
Carnival of MS bloggers!
Anyway, the link to the carnival is down the left side of this blog, please go and have a look. There are posts by all sorts of people about all sorts of things relating to MS. I have submitted my first post with a note at the end, B thought it was a good one and I agreed.
This is my second day back at work after the Christmas and New Year period and I am tired but doing ok. I need to be better and get to bed earlier as the only reason I am tired is that I didn't get much sleep Wednesday night - too much thinking going on I guess......
I had better get and do some work, been here an hour an not achieved anything!!
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
I have pain in my right hand which is annoying and not helping with the sleeping. I have had it the last few nights and occasionally during the day. Seems to be when I have been doing something - like now, typing seems to bring it on a bit. I guess it is dull nerve pain and it seems to calm down if I relax my hand.
I should be meeting with my MS Nurse sometime this month, I hope I am anyway. Things are still running on, I am still off the road and getting very frustrated. I am worrying about when the right time to go back to work will be. I think my legs are getting there but my hands aren't right, slightly weak, painful and drop small or fiddly things - I think I'll wait!!
Not back to the office tomorrow though, have a bit more leave. Looking forward to having the day to myself, going to potter and organise my car as I need new brake discs (MOT due).
I am now going to give sleeping another go and hope my bladder decides what it wants to do, to pee or not to pee, that is the question.......hmmm.......